
Find out what it takes to be the person you are pursuing

Question: A well-written resume and cover letter, along with an excellent impression can help land your dream interview and ultimately your dream job!

Assignment: Submit your current resume and cover letter. Think about where you'll be 5-10 years from now, then create your future resume. In helping you research your job descriptions and expectations, you may wish to visit glassdoorindeed.com , or the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational

Outlook Handbook

Find out what it takes to be the person you are pursuing. Keep these questions in mind as you start your research:

1. What is your current major?

2. What degree (s) or credentials/certifications will you earn in the future?

3. What are your career aspirations/dream job title?

4. What company will you work for?

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Dissertation: Find out what it takes to be the person you are pursuing
Reference No:- TGS02943128

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