Please answer the following the question:
Question 1: List some aspects of the sales presentation that can make closing and confirming the sale difficult to acheive.
Question 2: Describe three buying anxieties that sometimes serve as barriers to closing the sale.
Question 3: What are guidelines should a salesperson follow for closing the sale?
Question 4: Why is it important to review the value proposition from the prospect's point of view?
Question 5: Define the term "incremental commitment". Why is it important to achieve incremental commitments throughout the sale?
Question 6: Is there a best method to use in closing the sale? Explain.
Question 7: What is meant by a trial close (the minor point close)? When should a salesperson attempt a trial close?
Question 8: Explain the summary-of-benefits close (step-by-step close).
Question 9: What confirming steps should a salesperson follow when the customer says yes? What should be done when the customer says no?
Note: Provide support for rationale.