Find out financial challenges organization is having

Problem: Select a healthcare organization in Minnesota State. Find out about the financial challenges the organization is having and apply key financial management concepts to address some of the concerns.

Write a paper in which you do the following:

  • Provide the name of the healthcare organization and the state it is in.
  • Address the cause(s) of the financial challenge(s).
  • Explain the extent to which the healthcare organization is vulnerable based on the financial challenge(s).
  • Explain whether you believe the organization can be turned around. Share one financial initiative the healthcare organization would need to implement.
  • Use a minimum of 3 scholarly resources, with at least 1 from the Rasmussen library.
  • Include at least 3 in-text citations.
  • Use proper APA format.

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Other Management: Find out financial challenges organization is having
Reference No:- TGS03383714

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