
Find out a definition of marketing

Assignment task: What Is Marketing Now? Below you'll find a "definition of marketing". Your task, based upon content offered over our entire course, is to reflect upon it by offering advice to its author as to any strengths/weaknesses, components included/not included, and basically how you suggest the author improve the statement (if need be). Marketing is the verbal and visual persuasion of a person or business to influence one's decision making in a certain way. Marketing is the publicization of a product or brand to get the public to purchase or abstain from based on the desire of the marketer. Marketing within a company can bring new clients and business resulting in increased revenue. The more marketing of a product or company, the more known to the public it is, which can lead to the success or failure of a company.

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Marketing Management: Find out a definition of marketing
Reference No:- TGS03431645

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