Please Quote with time required
- Design Exercise using a Zilog Z8.
- Please read the questions carefully!
Question 1 (Choose a suitable z8)
- Look through data sheets for both the 64k and F0830
- ‘Typically' the processors that have smallest amount of functionality are the cheapest.
- This may not be the case always and is why you need to do a price comparison.
- For Z8 64K series
- Find ordering information page and replace the ‘C' at the end of the part number with ‘G'.
- Go to
- Click ‘BOM tool' and then ‘Create a new BOM'
- Type in part numbers you want to find a price for.
- Compare prices and find the cheapest part!!
- Justify your decision based on price and functionality!
How to submit
- Submit electronically via LMS.
- You can scan, take a photo using your phone etc, then import that into Word.
- Once you have a word document create a PDF and then use that file to upload onto LMS.
Attachment:- Assignment.pdf