
Find one that is absolutely essential


The Odyssey Chapters 21-24 In answer to the prompt below, write a 250-350 word multi-paragraph response, with 300 words being the "sweet spot" of our target. Don't waste a lot of time and space on a fancy opener. Hook your reader's attention with a two or three-sentence intro, including a clear thesis. Spend the bulk of your time developing your thesis. Although there is no standard format, most students end up with a three-to-five-paragraph response. This is an open-book test, but you do not need to quote unless you find one that's absolutely essential. It is not a timed test, but, assuming you are caught up on the reading, I expect that you will be able to write this within a one-hour timeframe. If you were asked to classify The Odyssey as primarily an adventure story or a love story, which would you call it and why?

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