
Find one piece of art connected to your topic write a

Topic: Addiction

Assignment 1 - Find one piece of art (paintings, photographs, sculptures, etc.) connected to your topic, write a minimum of (two paragraphs) formal analysis of ONE of the pieces you've chosen. For example, it should explain the historical contexts, etc. an analysis that explains the historical contexts. You can use some of the information you did for assignment 1 here as well. Include source material (parenthetical citations and a works cited page in MLA format).

Assignment 2 - For this project, you will need to think of a problem or issue with it and propose a possible solution to it. Depending on your interests, topic, and area(s) of expertise, your final project could take on several forms. You could write a journal-length article (1-2 pages). You would give a lecture (you would need to record it and upload the link). You could design a website or other online resource, such as an minute informational video. You can create a mock Facebook page that highlights your topic and provide the link. You can create a public service announcement as if it were going to be aired on NPR, PBS, or some other public venue. Another idea is to create a poster, brochure, or pamphlet (You can use Word to do this if you'd like)  You have complete creative liberty for this project. The goal of the project is to provide your intended audience with a compelling document that outlines your research-based strategies for enacting the change you want to see. Have fun with this project and don't stress yourselves over it. It's meant to be fun.

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Dissertation: Find one piece of art connected to your topic write a
Reference No:- TGS02334338

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