
Find number of chickens which are fat but not male

The chicken farmer surveyed the flock with given results. Farmer has: 7 thin brown hens, 9 fat red roosters, 2 fat red hens, 26 fat roosters, 37 fat chickens, 18 thin brown roosters, 6 thin red roosters, 5 thin red hens

Venn diagram with circles for fat, for male a rooster is male, a hen is female), and for red (suppose that brown and red are opposite in chicken world.

Find number of chickens which are:

i. fat?

ii. red?

iii. male

iv. fat, but not male?

v. brown, but not fat?

vi. red and fat?

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Mathematics: Find number of chickens which are fat but not male
Reference No:- TGS0867039

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