Now, it is proposed that the liquid water coming out of the separator be used as the heat source in a binary cycle with isobutane as the working fluid. Geothermal liquid water leaves the heat exchanger at (90 Celsius) while isobutene enters the turbine at 3.25 MPa and (T=145 C) and leaves at (80 C) and 400 kPa. Isobutane is condensed in an air-cooled condenser and then pumped to the heat exchanger pressure. Asssuming an isentropic efficiency of 90 percent for the pump, determine (a) the mass flow rate of isobutene in the binary cycle, (b) the net power outputs of both the flashing and the binary sections of the plant, and (c) the thermal efficiencies of the binary cycle and the combined plant. The properties of isobutane may be obtained from EES.