Suppose the computer stores each file at consecutive locations on the hard disk. When the large file is erased and the smaller file is written in place, only some of space is utilized. After several changes to disk- i.e., after the sequence of deletions and additions, mixed together-there may be several available storage locations, but these may be scattered across disk in pieces too small to use. This kind of problem is known as fragmentation.
Assume the hard disk can store the total of 2^30 bytes of data and you require to store the file which is 2^12 bytes long. Assume each file currently on disk is 2^10 bytes long. i) Find minimum number of files on disk which will assure that file will not fit? ii) Find maximum number of files of disk which guarantee the file will fit? iii) Determine smallest number of files which could be arranged on disk in the way so that the file will not fit?