
Find individual-s marginal after-tax income at income levels

To increase revenues during recent recession, governor of the state proposed the given taxation formula:

T(i) = 0.001i0.5,

where i signifies total annual income earned by the individual in dollars and

T(i) is income tax rate as the fraction of total annual income. (Thus, for instance, the income of $50,000 per year would be taxed at about 22%, while the income of double that amount would be taxed at about 32%.)

(a) Compute after-tax (net) income

N(i) individual can expect to earn as the function of income i.

(b) Compute individual's marginal after-tax income at income levels of $100,000 and $700,000.

(c) At what income individual's marginal after-tax income becomes negative?

Find after-tax income at that level?

What occurs at higher income levels?

At any income level above ________ , individual begins to pay back more than $1 for every additional $1 earned, so his or her net income begins to drop.

(d) Find most anyone can earn after taxes?

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Mathematics: Find individual-s marginal after-tax income at income levels
Reference No:- TGS0847105

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