
Find fx using the definition of the derivative and find fx

1. Use the graph of f(x) below to find the following:

2091_Find function using the rules of derivatives.png

(a) limx→0' f (x)
(b) limx→4+ f (x)
(c) limx→2 f(x)
(d) limx→3 f(x)
(e) limx→∞ f(x)
(f) limx→-∞ f(x)

(g) points where f is not continuous

(h) points where f is not differentiable

(i) intervals where f'> 0

(j) intervals where f' < 0

(k) intervals where f"> 0

(l) intervals where f" < 0

2. Find the following limits:

(a) limx→-1 x2 + x/x2 - x - 2

(b) limx→2 x2 + x/ x2 -x-2

(c) limx→∞ x2 + x/ x2 -x-2

3. Find f' (x) using the definition of the derivative if f (x) = 3x2 -1.

4. Find f'(x) using the rules of derivatives:

(a) f (x) = (x + 2)3(x-3)5

(b) f (x)= √(3x2 +1)

(c) f (x) = e2x/6x

(d) f (x) = 3x -x1/3

(e) f (x) = ln(√x + 1)

(f) f (x) = 51n(x2 - x +3)

(g) f (x) = 3log2(x)-1

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Algebra: Find fx using the definition of the derivative and find fx
Reference No:- TGS01196329

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3/7/2016 1:31:28 AM

As the following assignment that will describe you about to use of graph 1. Use the graph of f(x) below to find the following: (a) limx?0' f (x) (b) limx?4+ f (x) (c) limx?2 f(x) (d) limx?3 f(x) (e) limx?8 f(x) (f) limx?-8 f(x) (g) Points where f isn’t continuous (h) Points where f isn’t differentiable (i) Intervals where f'> 0 (j) Intervals where f' < 0 (k) intervals where f"> 0 (l) Intervals where f" < 0 2. Discover the subsequent limits: (a) limx?-1 x2 + x/x2 - x - 2 (b) limx?2 x2 + x/ x2 -x-2 (c) limx?8 x2 + x/ x2 -x-2