Assignment task: Answer the following questions in Essay format
1. Loyal customers offer multiple benefits to a healthcare organization. What are some of these benefits? How can loyalty be measured from a marketing approach? Find one example of a loyalty program in the healthcare industry, and comment on it. Is there in the program content any room for improvements?
2. At a recent strategic planning retreat of a 40person multispecialty group, the administrator made a presentation that focused on the coming year's plans to establish the organization's first two primary care satellites, which would be located in the two growing suburbs of the community. These new additions would require the hiring of four family practitioners and other support staff. When the administrator finished her presentation, one of the most senior physicians stood up and said, "This is a foolish expenditure. We're so busy now in this group, we can't even see another patient. Our revenue was up 14 percent according to the previous financial presentation we heard. There is no reason to change what we're doing." How might you respond to this physician?