
Find effect will transaction have on equity of firm

The balance sheet for Pie Crust, Inc., is given below in market value terms. There are 29,000 shares of stock outstanding.

Market Value Balance Sheet

Cash $156,000

Fixed assets 560,010 Equity $716,010

Total $716,010 Total $716,010

In lieu of the dividend of $1.70, company has said it is going to repurchase $49,300 value of stock instead of paying dividend.

Requirement 1: Find effect will transaction have on equity of firm?

Will shareholders (decrease or Increase?) equity by $________?

Requirement 2: Find number of shares will be outstanding after repurchase?

Requirement 3: Compute price per share be after repurchase?

Requirement 4: Is share repurchase effectively same as the cash dividend?

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Mathematics: Find effect will transaction have on equity of firm
Reference No:- TGS0866349

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