George Kyparisis owns the company which manufacturers sailboats Actual demand for Georges sailboats during each of the past 4 seasons was as follows
Winter 1400 1 year, 1200 2 yr, 1000 3yr, 900 4yr
Spring 1500 1 yr, 1400 2 yr, 1600 3yr, 1500 4 yr
Summer 1000 1yr, 2100 2 yr, 2000 3yr, 1900 4 yr
Fall 600 1 yr, 750 2yr, 650 3yr, 500 4 yr
George has predicted annual demand for sailboats in year 5 will equal 5600 sailboats. Based on the data and the multiplactive seasonal mode what will demand level be fore Georges sailboasts in spring of year 5?