Find cost estimation at global green books

Problem: Mini case study Mini-Case Study: Cost Estimation at Global Green Books Publishing bottom up budget Prices to republish articles from publishers:

Ellison Publishing $500 ?each

Hachette Publishing $150 ?each

Avon Publishing $100 ?each

Basic Books $50 ?each

Academic Books $100 ?each

Umbutu Books $90 ?each

Shamballa Books $60 ?eachSome Costs at Global Green Books


Emily Stevenson, eBook Production Associate, full-time ($25/hour)

John Patel, eBook Production Associate, part-time (student worker) ($18/hour)

Hyoun Kim, eBook Production Associate, part-time (student worker) ($18/hour)

Emma Solviegdottir, eBook Production Associate, part-time (student worker) ($18/hour)

Jospehina Rodriguez, eBook Production Associate, part-time (student worker) ($18/hour)

Cassandra Platt, eBook Production Supervisor ($30/hour)

Kelly Nichols, Account Manager ($28/hour)

Ben Johnson, Receptionist ($22/hour)

Karen Zanders, Publishers' ?Liaison ($25/hour)

Robert Killingley, Customer Service Representative ($25/hour)

Some overhead costs:

Rent: $5000/month

Electricity (including electric heat): average of $1,700/month

Telephone/internet: $600/month

Employee health insurance plan (only covers full-time employees): $150,000/year

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