
Find circulating water flow rate and condensing surface area

A one shell, two tube pass surface condenser is required to handle the exhaust from a steam turbine developing 14, 300 kW with a steam consumption rate of 4.66 kg/kW h and to maintain a steady vaccum of 73.6 cm Hg when the barometer reads 76.2 cm Hg. Find (a) condensing surface area required, (b) circulating water flow rate in kg/s, (c) the number of tubes and (d) the length of tubes. The data: Mean water velocity 1.5 m/s, water inlet temperature 15.8oC, water outlet temperature 23.7oC, Condensate is at 1.7oC lower than saturation temperature. Quality of exhaust steam is 0.9. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 4570.6 W/m2 K based on the outer tube surface area. The tubes are of 1.92 cm outer diameter and 0.22 cm thick. (Data: From steam tables, saturation temperature at 73.6 cm Hg vaccum = 28.2oC, and latent heat of condensation = 2438 kJ/kg). Take the correction factor for the heat exchanger as 0.97

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Mechanical Engineering: Find circulating water flow rate and condensing surface area
Reference No:- TGS0720514

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