
Find break-even point in dollars under alternative action

Cruz Manufacturing had a bad year in 2008. For the first time inits history it operated at a loss. The company's incomestatement showed the following results from selling 80,000 units ofproduct: Net sales $1,600,000; total costs and expenses $1,740,000;and net loss $140,000. Costs and expenses consisted of thefollowing.




Cost of goods sold $1,200,000 $780,000 $420,000

Selling expenses 420,000 75,000 345,000

Administrative expenses







Management is considering the following independent alternativesfor 2009.

  1. Increase unit selling price 25% with no change in costs andexpenses.
  2. Change the compensation of salespersons from fixed annualsalaries totaling $200,000 to total salaries of $40,000 plus a 5%commission on net sales.
  3. Purchase new high-tech factory machinery that will change theproportion between variable and fixed cost of goods sold to50:50.

Compute the break-even point in dollars for 2008. $ 1,920,000 Compute the break-even point in dollars under each of thealternative courses of action. Which alternative isthe recommended course of action?

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Accounting Basics: Find break-even point in dollars under alternative action
Reference No:- TGS0554914

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