
Find at least three articles from good contemporary sources

Part 1

Research Guide Spring

The main purpose of this review is that you clarify key movements and influences on the Modern Church, as well as the impact of the church in the world, so that you can continue to read about in the future and relate it to ongoing developments.

A. Short Answer questions: Choose four. Review the background material first to determine the significance of the question. Determine the most major points you wish to explain. Be specific and clear. (Two or three paragraphs)

1. Explain two main tenets of Catholic social thought as illustrated in Rerum novarum or Quadragesimo anno.

2. After the major wars in Europe in the twentieth century, large numbers of people were drawn to totalitarian movements. What is meant by the term totalitarianism Explain one of the following movements, the reasons for its growth, the dangers of such a movement, the response of the church. Fascism, Nazism, Atheistic Communism.

3. Discuss the impact of scientific advances on the study and interpretation of Scripture.

4. Discuss the impact of World War II on the church, focusing on one major Catholic or Protestant figure. Do not simply repeat response to #3. Be specific. Discuss Evangelicalism and the Oxford Movement in Great Britain (Cornby 138-145

5. Discuss major contribution of one of the following documents of Vatican 11: Declaration on Religious Liberty, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et spes).

6. Discuss the birth of Liberation Theology including the Conference of Latin American Bishops, Populorum prosgressio (Comby 235), and the work of theolgians such as Gustavo Gutierrez (236).

7. Discuss two points made by Pope Francis in his recent encyclicals on the Environment or marriage.

Part 2

Essay: Contemporary issues

Choose one of the following topics for further research and development. You may have discussed the topic in your group but are free to choose another.

Ecological Issues, Refugees, Addiction, Human Trafficking, Abuse.

1. Find at least three articles from good contemporary sources. Narrow your topic to one aspect of the issue.

2. Examine the concerns of the church/churches on the issue (scripture, documents)

3. Write an essay in which you describe the issue and explain what you think the response of the church might be.

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Dissertation: Find at least three articles from good contemporary sources
Reference No:- TGS01388072

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