Assignment Task:
Review the following posts.
- Rethinking disability: the social model of disability and chronic disease By Sara Goering
- Spousal Caregivers Are Caregiving Alone In The Last Years Of Life
For this assignment, you are to find a news article of some kind that discusses or depicts a current matter involving older adults, provide a summary of the article, how it relates to the class topic readings/videos, and your thoughts/opinion/questions after reading the article.
Please submit this assignment as a word document
You are welcome to find articles in local/national news, pop culture news, etc. You will receive full credit for the assignment if you include the following:
? The link to the article
? The year the article was published
? The article is no more than 5 years old
? The submission clearly indicates separated sections for the article summary, relation to the readings and videos, and your thoughts and opinions, [see Current Issues template for example]
? Each section (summary; relating article to readings and videos; your thoughts/opinions/questions) contains no more than 5 sentences that are written clearly and contain little to no grammatical errors
? Identify how this article relates to the class readings/videos from the week
? Your thoughts, opinions, or questions after reading the article