
Find article on a rare disease or an outbreak

Problem: Goal: to find a relatively recent newspaper article on a rare disease or an outbreak of some disease and discuss about it, using the parameters here. YOU CANNOT USE COVID-19.

There must be a new article about it that you can cite and reference.

It can be something happening anywhere in the world, but must have happened during 2023/early 2024.

It cannot be the common cold or something mild and it cannot be folks talking about symptoms but there is no name for the disease.

No conspiracy theories allowed.

Reflection essay addressing these questions (rubric added):

  • What is the disease?
  • What symptoms are showing up?
  • Is this common or rare in the area that it is happening in the article?
  • What is driving the disease?
  • How is it being treated?
  • Is there a cure?
  • Is there prevention for it?
  • Any long-term impacts on the patient?
  • What are some of your thoughts when you read the article?
  • citations/references


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Other Subject: Find article on a rare disease or an outbreak
Reference No:- TGS03419872

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