
Find and view three more videos to learn more about


For your Course Project, you will creating a Video Library. Don't panic, it's easier than you think! Your Course Project will allow you to explore the Internet on your own, locating, viewing, and writing short reviews about videos dealing with "computer basics" topics of interest. In other words, areas that you would like to learn more about, beyond what is contained in your text. The Internet literally has millions of short videos (many of them on You Tube) about every computer topic imaginable. Some are very basic; some can be very complex, based on your level of expertise coming into this course. See two examples of "basics" videos at the links below:

What Is RAM? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D8fhsXqq4o

The Basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_wc_UsMj_s

These are just very basic samples; it's up to you to develop your own video library as your Course Project, based on your level of expertise.

Here's how your Course Project breaks down over Lessons 1-5:

Lesson 1 - Find and view your first three helpful YouTube videos about subjects you want to learn more about covered in Chapters 1 and 2 of your textbook. Then, write a short review (100-150 words) about what you learned from each of the three videos. Copy and paste the links to your three videos into a MS Word file, and include your short reviews of each in the same MS Word file. These videos and reviews will be the first three items in your Video Library Course Project.

Lesson 2 - Find and view three videos to learn more about subjects covered in Chapter 3. Write a short review (100-150 words) about each of them. Copy and paste the links to your three videos into a MS Word file, and include your short reviews of each in the same MS Word file. Remember, you are in the process of building your complete Video Library Course Project in segments, three videos and three short reviews at a time.

Lesson 3 - Find and view three more videos to learn more about subjects covered in Chapter 4. Write a short review (100-150 words) about each of them. Copy and paste the links to your three videos into a MS Word file, and include your short reviews of each in the same MS Word file.

Lesson 4 - Time for discovering your last three videos. Find, view, and write three short reviews (100-150 words) about three helpful videos based on the contents of Chapter 5. Since these will be your last videos, if you wish, you may read ahead to include videos about topics you want to know more about based on content in Chapters 6-9.

Lesson 5 - Now it is time compile all 12 videos and 12 short reviews from Lesson 1, 2, 3, and 4 as a single Word document that is well-organized. The best way to arrange them is to place each link with the short review below it. You may want to include a title for each video topic as well. Think of your Video Library Course Project as a way to inform others about computer topics presented in this course so the way you organize it makes it easier for others to use it. Be sure to save your final Course Project on your hard drive or other storage device. Then upload the file into the submission box.

For This Assignment:

Lesson 1 - Find and view your first three helpful YouTube videos about subjects you want to learn more about covered in Chapters 1 and 2 of your textbook. Then, write a short review (100-150 words) about what you learned from each of the three videos. Copy and paste the links to your three videos into a MS Word file, and include your short reviews of each in the same MS Word file. These videos and reviews will be the first three items in your Video Library Course Project.

Be sure to use proper APA assignment format, including the cover page.

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Dissertation: Find and view three more videos to learn more about
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