Find and report the major stock market index values for

For each of the following countries, find and report the major stock market index values for March 2017 and March 2018 (in this exact order, please do not change): Switzerland (^SSMI), Mexico (^MXX), India (^BSESN), Japan (^N225), France (^FCHI). You can find these data at: by entering the symbols above in parentheses for each country in the search box at the top of the page. Click on “Historical Data” and then select “Monthly” for “Frequency” and click on “Apply.” Get the “Adjusted Close” price (local currency) on the right side for March (01) 2017 and March (01) 2018. For the same countries, go to the St. Louis Fed at and find and report monthly ex-rates for March 2017 and March 2018 for each of the five countries above. Once you select and click on a currency, you can click on “+ more” and then “View All” (upper left corner of screen next to the March 2018 ex-rate) to view the monthly exchange rates. You can also select the “Download” option (upper right corner of screen). Quote ex-rates with both currencies to four decimal places. Note: France uses the Euro as its currency.

a. For each country, report the stock index values and ex-rates for March 2017 and March 2018.

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Financial Management: Find and report the major stock market index values for
Reference No:- TGS02818831

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