
Find and fix the bug that is creating the exception error

1. Find and fix the bug that is creating the exception error message in the program in our AVL tree implementation. Make sure to explain the bug and how to fix it. Go to the below link : https://github.com/mlitman/CSC537_Fall2015_AVLTree

2. Implement the Yale Algorithm for Sparse Matrix compression. Your program should read in the number of rows and columns of the matrix as well as the number of non-zero values. You should then generate a random matrix of the appropriate size with the correct number of non-zero random numbers between 1 and 500.

Your program should be able to display your matrix to the screen, then convert it to the 3 array implementation for the Yale algorithm and display those arrays to the screen, then rebuild the matrix from a compressed format and display it to the screen again. Make sure the code is your own and only uses what we have done in class Read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_matrix

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JAVA Programming: Find and fix the bug that is creating the exception error
Reference No:- TGS01174165

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