Find and critique an empirical article in which a factor analysis was used to build a leadership/organizational instrument (scale) that was published in a peer-reviewed leadership journal. Then, start the dialogue by critiquing the selected research. In your critique, briefly address the following:
(a) Reference information,
(b) Research Purpose/Question,
(c) Conceptual Framework,
(d) Data Collection Methods,
(e) Sampling Procedures,
(f) Data Analysis Methods,
(g) Findings/Conclusions, and
(h) final Critique. Interact with colleagues by commenting on their critique.
Additional information
The problem related to HR Management and it explains about writing an article critique. The article used here is"Situation-based measurement of the full range of leadership model - Development and legalization of a situational judgment test"; Claudia Peus, Susanne Braun, Dieter Frey
Word limit: 500