
Find an interesting article to discuss


You will find a newspaper/online article which relates to one of the topics we have discussed in class. The length of this assignment should be no less than 1,750 words. The essay should be delivered in a professional fashion. The content should be critical and evidenced by both theory and data. You may use headers to identify the main sections of your analysis, but the case study should not be written as a numbered list or set of bullet points. Please try to find an interesting article to discuss (e.g. something that occurred recently and had an impact on the markets, or was important for another good reason). Technical Notes: 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1" margins on all sides. A cover sheet is necessary. The student's name should appear in the header at the top of each page. All pages should be numbered. Any reference materials used beyond the textbook must be cited appropriately according to HARVARD guidelines.

-topics that this essay can be about.

-Time value of money - intrest rates -bond valuation -equity valuation -NPV- Risk return trade off

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Other Subject: Find an interesting article to discuss
Reference No:- TGS01964827

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