
Find an equation for the material surface for t gt 0 and

Problem 1. Consider the material "surface" (i.e., line) x02 + y02 = a2 at t = 0 in the 2d flow (u,v) = (x, -y)/τ, where τ is a constant.

i. Find an equation for the material surface for t > 0 and show that its "volume" (i.e., area) is conserved. What property of the velocity guarantees that the volume must be conserved?

ii. Calculate the rate-of-strain tensor Eij for this flow (a 2x2 matrix) and show that it determines the growth of the distance between xa = (a, a) and xb, = xa + (δx0, δy0) according to the equation D/Dt (δxk, δyk) = 2δxiEij.

iii. Verify your answer by solving for the particle paths that start at xa and xb, and by calculating the rate of change of the distance squared between the particles.

Problem 2. For an inviscid, adiabatic, compressible fluid with momentum equation Dv/Dt = -α∇p - ∇Φ, show that the energy density (per unit volume) E = ρ(v2/2 + I + Φ) obeys the conservation law

tE + ∇.[(E + p)v] = 0,

where Φ is a time independent potential (e.g., the gravitational potential). (I is the internal energy per unit mass from the first law of thermodynamics - use the equation for DI/Dt developed in class. α ≡ 1/ρ.) Interpret the equation - why is there a pv term?

Problem 3. i. Show that, for an ideal gas, dQ = cvdT + pdα and dQ = cpdT - αdp are equivalent expressions of the first law of thermodynamics.

ii. Starting with the expression θ = T(p0/p)K, with K ≡ R/cp, for the potential temperature of a simple (i.e., dry) ideal gas, show that

dθ = θ/T (dT - α/cp.dp) , and

dQ = Tdη = cpT/θ dθ

iii. An air parcel moves adiabatically from 700 hPa to 200 hPa. If the parcel has a temperature of 280K at 700hPa, what is its temperature on. arrival at 200hPa?

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Mathematics: Find an equation for the material surface for t gt 0 and
Reference No:- TGS01124672

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