Overview: During Lesson 1, the first week of class, each student will be required to find an article that illustrates the concept of "agency" and the conflict between shareholders interests and management's interests. The student will summarize the article, the relevant conflict issues in the article about agency, and then post the website for the article. We expect that you will post your findings in the Individual Project Discussion Board. We will review and comment on these postings as they relate to the material in the following week and in further lessons.
Deliverable: The student will find an article, summarize it in one paragraph, according to the instructions given above, and then post the summary in the Individual Project area for Lesson 1. Include the article title, your summary, and the URL. Do not include the entire article.
Some other sources of articles -
Forbes Magazine- "The Capitalist Tool"
SmartMoney- Better than just Money magazine. It is published by the Wall Street Journal.
Bloomberg- Bloomberg magazine.
Fortune Magazine- Fortune magazine.
Businessweek- Businessweek magazine.
Barrons- Barrons invesment newspaper
Note - About 120-140 words, half page.