Briefly introduce yourselves to the class - name, the reason for taking this course, hobby, and so on. In this way, we will better understand who we are in class with.
Then, tell us about your discovery of a historical place - perhaps this was a visit to a neighboring fort, park, museum, or a historical place you have been to while on vacation when you discovered a church, cemetery, tower, etc.
Describe the historic place, and answer as much as you recall the following: What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How. (By "When?" we mean the time the historic place was constructed).
If you have a photo, please attach it; if you don't have one, find an approximate photo from google images and include it in your post. No bragging - no vacation beach photos! The emphasis here is on - history. By 'historic', we mean human-made, which is what this study is about (social sciences). So, Hawaii or Niagara Falls do not count. That would be part of natural history (biology).