
Find albertas legal profession act using your legal links

1. Lawyers who fail to abide by their profession's Code of Conduct may be sanctioned by their governing body, which in Alberta, is the Law Society of Alberta. What does section 3.2-4 of the Code of Conduct require?

a. A lawyer may decide to obtain instructions from the client on all matters not falling within the express or implied authority of the lawyer.

b. A lawyer must obtain instructions from the client on all matters, and there are no exceptions to this rule.

c. A client must obtain instructions from the lawyer on all matters not falling within the express or implied authority of the client.

d. A lawyer must obtain instructions from the client on all matters not falling within the express or implied authority of the lawyer.

2. DeShawn hired a lawyer to represent him in a complicated litigation matter, and just received his final bill for the legal services provided. Based on the readings of your Business Law textbook, which one of the following would not be shown as a disbursement on that final bill?

a. The time the lawyer spent preparing an expert for the testimony they were going to provide during the trial of this matter.

b. The fee charged by the expert for testifying at trial.

c. Courier charges.

d. Photocopying costs.

3. Find Alberta’s Legal Profession Act using your Legal Links. According to Section 1 of the Legal Profession Act, which of the following definitions is incorrect?

a. “Hearing Committee” means a Hearing Committee appointed under Part 3

b. “member” means a member of the Society, including, but not limited to, all honorary members

c. “Bencher” means a person who holds office as a Bencher of the Society, but does not include an honorary Bencher.

d. "student-at-law" means a person admitted to the Society as a student-at-law.

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Financial Management: Find albertas legal profession act using your legal links
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