
Find a web site or web advertisement facebook page will

Find a web site or web advertisement (Facebook page will work) from one of your two companies. Write a 1-2 page analysis of the effectiveness of the ads in terms of the role of the Internet and interactive media in an IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) program. Be sure to include if it meeting the web objectives outlined in chapter 15. (Web objectives begin on page 499 and are Learning Objective 15-1)(Web Objectives are the same as the Communication Objectives if you have the 9th edition of the text) Please bold each of the objectives as you cover them. Be sure to cover all the objectives. If you can't find a web site for either of your two companies, look at web site for a similar type product and complete the 1-2 page analysis.

Company: Wal-Mart

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Marketing Management: Find a web site or web advertisement facebook page will
Reference No:- TGS02199657

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