
Find a tcp three-way handshake

Question 1: Find a TCP three-way handshake for a Telnet, FTP, or SSH session. What is the significance of the TCPthree-way handshake?

Question 2: What was the SEQ# of the initial SYN TCP packet and ACK# of the SYN ACK TCP packet?

Question 3: During the instructor's Telnet session to LAN Switch 1 and LAN Switch 2, what was the captured
terminal password for LAN Switch 1 and LAN Switch 2?

Question 4: When the instructor used SSH to remotely access a Cisco router, were you able to see the terminalpassword? Why or why not?

Question 5: What other IP packets are on the VLAN and Ethernet LAN segment? How can these other IP packetsprovide additional clues or information about the logical IP routing and IP addressing schema?

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Computer Networking: Find a tcp three-way handshake
Reference No:- TGS0543981

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