
Find a substantive article or information from a reputable

You can choose any employee equal opportunity (EEO) article

This week, find a substantive article or information from a reputable source that is related to the content and concepts in this chapter on employee selection. Find an article that is interesting to you, that you think you and the class can learn from. This should be a upper-level college article or information. Reputable sources include SHRM, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Economist, Forbes, etc. Government websites are also generally credible.

Read it carefully and then do the following for your initial post.  

Summarize the key points

Your reader should be able to learn what you found relevant, interesting and useful from your post without reading the article

Share your reactions, thoughts, or how it relates to you, students or society

Post any questions you have that might spark an interesting conversation.


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Operation Management: Find a substantive article or information from a reputable
Reference No:- TGS02261893

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