Find a scholarly article on African American single parent experiences with accessing Behavioral health services for their children diagnose with Autism. This article must be a publish Qualitative case study Cite, Cite all work
· Summarize the characteristics of the approach of the research article (have heading as summarize characteristics of research article)
· Summarize the research article, including the citation and sufficient information that I can review the article (add link) there should only be one article.
· Present a short critique of that article. This section should contain the following
· What is the research question,
· describe the phenomenon of interest,
· evaluate how consistent it is with what is typically explored in a qualitative study,
· how consistent is the terminology and intent of the title with research question?
· what is the research problem that emerges from the literature review/background?
· where in the article is the qualitative approach identified?
· how well was the criteria described?
· was a particular sampling strategy identified?
· are there any data collection tools included in the article if so to what extent are the question etc)
· Did the authors convey a clear "take-home" message?