
Find a research study that addressed the

We have done our planning and spent money (sometimes a lot of it) on executing the change(s) that we believe will make our organization more competitive. So how do we know if all the changes we have implemented actually worked? Please proceed to the library and find a research study that addressed the evaluation or assessment and/or measures of change.

Prepare and post a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides:

Title slide - including title page information

Name of the study with full reference and problem and purpose of the study

Type of research approach or design strategies, i.e. qualitative, quantitative, mixed, etc.

Findings of the study

Your reflections on why or why not a manager might use the information from this study

Use bulleted items and font size no smaller than 20 pt. Use the power of PowerPoint to make your presentation readable and understandable.

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Marketing Research: Find a research study that addressed the
Reference No:- TGS0664121

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