
Find a research article on sleep and give a brief synopsis

Assignment Part I:

 Get nine hours of sleep, or as close as you can,  two night in a row and report on how it effects your daily functioning.  Write the first part of your discussion post like a diary.   Address the following in your post:

1. Day 1: Get nine hours of sleep. No more no less. Write a journal entry about how you did it. Did you sleep in or go to bed early? How did you sleep? Did you toss and turn, fall asleep right away etc. How did you feel all that next day?

2. Day 2: Get nine hours of sleep again. No more no less. How did you do it? How do you feel today?

These could be nine consecutive hours of sleep or a two hour nap and later 7 hours of night time sleep.

Since nine is the normal human number of hours of sleep (not 8 as we all believe or 5 as we all seem to get). You should feel very differently after the second night's sleep.  Some of you may not be managing nine hours due to busy schedules or babies in the house, anxiety, etc. Just do your best! There is no penalty for not being able to reach nine hours. Good luck!

Hint: you may find it easier to copy and paste the above format into a text editor (e.g., Microsoft Word), compose your answers, then copy and paste your work into the discussion text box.

Assignment Part II:

1.  Find a research article on sleep and give a brief synopsis of it. Include your reference so that we can read it too!

2. What are some things that you find affect your sleep either by helping you to sleep or hindering it?

3. Do you have any advice for us to help US get a good night's sleep?

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Other Subject: Find a research article on sleep and give a brief synopsis
Reference No:- TGS03377096

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