
Find a published work of creative writing

Assignment task:

Step1: Find a published work of creative writing (I picked Harry Potter) that you feel could have been marketed more effectively. Imagine that you are the agent doing PR for this particular publication. a. What book will you use for this activity? You can paste an image of the book cover or give the name.

Step2: You may choose to creatively and VERY descriptively explain how you would redesign the cover with written words. If you choose this option be sure to use highly illustrative language so that your re-design can be imagined.

Step3: Your goal is to completely re-write what was originally in place. Be sure to capture the reader's attention and really sell them on the book, keeping in mind the theme, plot, characters, etc. Include a 'review' of the book written by you, as if you were a literary critic. Step4: Be sure to include any pertinent information about the author and present it in an appealing and creative manner. You may use the information previously used or perform some research in order to find new information. How did you apply concepts learned in Unit 1 to your successful completion of this assignment? How might you sell this book to reach the target audience based on the genre and theme of the book? Why was this assignment relevant to the topic of creative writing? If you could re-design this project, what are some changes that you would make to it?

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Other Subject: Find a published work of creative writing
Reference No:- TGS03416287

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