
Find a passage of scripture that deals with finances

If you have regularly attended church over the past year, there is a good chance you have heard either a sermon or Sunday School lesson about money. Perhaps you've heard of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University - a popular series many churches are going through. Finances in relation to the church aren not just about tithing; the Bible has much more to say about the financial gifts entrusted to us. As turbulent times in the American economy have become commonplace within our culture, individuals are taking notice of where their finances are going. Programs such as Microsoft Excel give us the opportunity to create custom spreadsheets which help us to budget and manage those finances. Knowledge of where our resources are going can be half the battle sometimes.

What to include in your initial thread:

1. Paragraph 1 - Find a passage of Scripture that deals with finances. Discuss why you chose that passage and how it has affected your life.

2. Paragraph 2 - If you were creating a budget for a family of four in Microsoft Excel, how would you design it and what categories of spending would you include?

3. Not required - Feel free to attach a sample budget to the discussion board if you'd like.

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Finance Basics: Find a passage of scripture that deals with finances
Reference No:- TGS01621730

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