
Find a nearest-neighbor tour that starts at dallas and find

Nick is a traveling salesman. His territory consists of the 11 cities shown on the mileage chart in Fig. 6-54. Nick must find a tour that starts and ends in Dallas (that's his home) and visits each of the other 10 cities.

(a) Find a nearest-neighbor tour that starts at Dallas.

(b) Find the cheapest-link tour.

Mileage Chart

Atlanta Boston Buffalo Chicago Columbus Dallas Denny Houston Kansas City Lotusville Memphis
Atlanta * 1037 859 674 533 795 1398 789 798 382 371
Boston 1037 * 446 963 735 1748 1949 1804 1391 941 1293
Buffalo 859 446 * 522 326 1346 1508 1460 966 532 899
Chicago 674 963 522 * 308 9i7 996 1067 499 292 530
Columbus 533 735 326 308 * 1028 1229 1137 656 209 576
Dallas 795 1748 1346 917 1028 * 781 243 439 829 452
Denny 1398 1949 1508 996 1229 787 * 1019 600 1.12 1040
Houston 789 1804 1460 1067 1137 243 1019 * 710 923 561
Kansas City 798 1391 966 499 656 489 600 710 * 520 451
Lotusville 382 941 532 292 209 819 1120 923 520 * 367
Memphis 371 1293 899 530 576 452 1040 501 451 367 *

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