Find a movie clip of this character performing an action

Assignment task:

Step 1: Select a movie character to use as your fictitious client throughout the project. Any character will work for this project.

Step 2: Find a movie clip of this character performing an action or task to use for your assessment.

Step 3: Review the movie clip you selected to help you identify the content needed for the assessment.

a. What do you notice about the character or the environment in the clip?

b. What does the character look like?

c. How would you describe the character's

  • Physical build
  • Voice
  • Hair, skin, etc.
  • Mobility
  • Hygiene
  • Nutritional status

d. Does the character use any verbal or nonverbal cues that provide additional information you can use for your assessment?

Step 4: Complete the Assessment section of the Nursing Process Project template Download Nursing Process Project template. If a category is non-applicable, write NA in that section of the template.

Step 5: Submit your Nursing Process Project template completed through the Assessment section.

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Other Subject: Find a movie clip of this character performing an action
Reference No:- TGS03366401

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