
Find a list of the major problems caused by the pandemic


The topic concerns the question of the links between the medical world, the pharmaceutical world, the world of the economy (business) and the political world in general and more particularly during the pandemic. Since the start of the pandemic around the world, public authorities (governments and others) have found themselves in difficult situations where they must protect public health while maintaining, as far as possible, economic activities in order to consider corporate interests and protect people's jobs.

Our duty will also consist in discussing this situation by taking as a starting point the decisions taken by the federal government and the governments of the provinces in Canada. A comparative look with another country of your choice would be interesting and would contribute to enriching the debates.

You must therefore create a sheet in which you will find information about the decisions of governments, public health authorities, pharmaceutical research companies to deal with the pandemic. You can also focus your research on the links between these different areas in general. In this sheet, you should also find a list of the major problems caused by the pandemic and the criticisms you wish to raise regarding the management of the pandemic in Canada and elsewhere in the world.

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Reference No:- TGS03266995

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