
Find a journal paper from the research of one of the famous

The Violinist's Thumb Biochem Assignment

This assignment will allow up to 10 extra points to be added to your lowest test grade.

1. Read the book, "The Violinist's Thumb and Other Lost Tales of Love, War and Genius, as Written by Our Genetic Code" by Sam Kean.

2. What does the title, "The Violinist's Thumb" have to do with DNA? Summarize in at least 125 words.

3. The book is divided into four main parts.  Choose one chapter from each part (4 chapters total) and summarize what the title of the chapter means and how it relates to DNA.  Your summary should consist of two pages of at least 250 words each.

4. Find a journal paper from the research of one of the famous "DNA" scientists mentioned in the text and summarize their research (250 words). Reference the chapter in Kean's book where the scientist is mentioned.  Include the paper with your assignment.

5. Answer one of the following discussion questions (250 words):

Genetics has expanded far beyond medicine and into so many areas of history and science. Which new application of genetics surprised you? Which seems most exciting or promising?

Discuss one person in the book you consider to be a hero and one you consider to villain. Elaborate on what you think their motivations were for what they did.

Would you want to have your genome sequenced?  Give one reason it would be a good to have that information and one reason it would not.

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Dissertation: Find a journal paper from the research of one of the famous
Reference No:- TGS02540848

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