
Find a controversial term whose definition you can argue

Argument of Definition:

Essay (2-4 pages) will be an argument of definition. The first step will be to find a controversial term whose definition you can argue. It can be fruitful to consider current controversies, new terms in your field of study, or a list of misconceptions that bother you. The term must be arguable. This means that you will be able to find credible sources that disagree with your definition. For example, arguing that "racism" should include racist comments directed toward Mexican-Americans does not meet the requirements for this assignment, because that is already the legal, commonly-held definition and there isn't a rational counter argument.

However you decide on a term, your next step will be to construct your definition. That does not mean looking it up in the dictionary. You need to offer your own definition. Consider the formal and operational methods offered in the textbook and in class discussion.

Your essay must include the following components:

1) Argue that a specific subject should be included in or excluded from your term.

2) Provide your formal or operational definition for that term?.

3) Explain the vague words in your formal or operational definition?.

4) Use other methods of definition to support and clarify?.

5) Provide evidence that proves the subject should be included or excluded?.

6) Refute the objections you anticipate from careful, skeptical readers?.

7) Include researched information from at least two credible sources.

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Other Subject: Find a controversial term whose definition you can argue
Reference No:- TGS0670528

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