
Find a consumer who is extremely loyal to a brand-name

Brand-building is a crucial exercise that often takes years to accomplish. The benefit of brand equity is realized in the bottom line.
In this assignment, you will complete primary along with secondary research.

Part 1: Primary Research and Text Application

Find a consumer who is extremely loyal to a brand-name product. The person can be a family member, friend, classmate, or other. Probe him or her for information as to why that brand loyalty exists. Discuss how the individual feels about competitive brands.

Analyze the interview using the brand equity and brand positioning concepts from your text.

Part 2: Secondary Research in the Databases

Next, research the brand using its Web site and articles from the AIU Library's full-text databases to address how the brand does the following:

Identifies market segments and targets

Developed its brand equity over time

Positions itself in the market

This section of the assignment requires the use of articles from the AIU Library's full-text databases. Articles are found in periodicals. These are not to be confused with eBooks or reference books. The most popular databases in marketing are: ABI Inform Global, Academic Search Premier, and Business Source Premier.

Your report must include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. For more information on APA, please visit the APA Lab. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like I, we, and you are not appropriate. The use of direct quotes is discouraged but may be used sparingly in appropriate situations.

The Assignment Objectives:

Analyze Product and Services Positioning Compared to the Competition

Assess the Responsibilities that Face Brand Managers Surrounding Product/Service, Price, Promotion, and Distribution

Evaluate the Importance of Technology and Effective Communication Techniques.

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Marketing Management: Find a consumer who is extremely loyal to a brand-name
Reference No:- TGS0977076

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