Assignment Task: Go to clinicaltrials dot gov and find a completed interventional study related to Huntington's disease that provides study data. You can better narrow your search by clicking on "Advanced Search" under "Find a Study" and add the necessary criteria. Once you select a study, take a moment to become familiar with it. Then, create document where you answer the questions listed under "What to Include".
What to Include
1. Give a brief overview of the trial you chose. What is the purpose of the study? How have the study team designed the study? What are the outcomes they are looking for? (Please summarize the outcomes, do not just cut and paste).
2. How many people participated in the study? Did any drop out? Were any adverse effects of the intervention discovered? Need Assignment Help?
3. Take some time to explore and understand the investigation by checking out the STUDY RESULTS Reflect on the study by considering the following questions:
4. What is Huntington's disease? Do you feel the severity of the disease warrants further therapeutic and clinical research?
5. Do you believe this treatment will move forward in the clinical trial process? Why or why not?
6. Why is it important to provide the data on to the public? Give at least 2 distinct reasons.