
Find a case and criticize the result of a case of employee

Find a case and criticize the result of a case of employee motivation.

To do this topic, must criticize the various methods of motivating the employees that have been discussed below. Can suggest other motivation ways to enhance training effectiveness.

Use a case from a multinational company/a well known company around the world. Use at least 5 academic references. At least 1200 words

Employee motivation

- Most workers in any organization need something to keep them working in a positive way. Most of the time, the salary of the ttl f‘nf. employees is enough to keep them working for an organization, but if there is no motivation employee's quality of work or all work in general will deteriorate.


- Wage - compensation based on an hourly pay rate or the amount of output produced
- Salary - compensation calculated on a periodic basis, such as weekly or monthly

Most firms base compensation decisions on five factors:

1) Salaries and wages paid by other - companies that compete for the same
2) Government legislation (minimum wage)
3) The cost of living
4) The firm's ability to pay
5) Worker productivity

Four Forms of Incentive Compensation

Profit Sharing- Bonus based on company profits

Gain Sharing - Bonus based on productivity gains, cost savings, or quality improvements

Lump Sum Bonus One-time payment or option to buy shares of company stock based on performance

Pay for Knowledge- Salary increase based on learning new job tasks

Goal-Setting Theory

- Goal: target, objective, or result that someone tries to accomplish.

- Goal-setting theory - people will be motivated to the extent to which they accept specific, challenging goals and receive feedback that indicates their progress toward goal achievement.

Pull and Push factors

- This model is usually used when discussing motivation within the context of tourism.

- Push factors

- Determine the desire to go on holiday, whereas pull factors determine the choice of destination

- Push motives are connected with internal forces, for example the need for relaxation or escapism, while pull factors are the external factors, such as landscape, cultural image or the climate of a destination, that induce a traveller to visit a certain location

- What is your idea on the pull factors?

- What do this factors tell you about the importance of motivation in workplace?

Employee Benefits

- Employee Benefits - Rewards such as -retirement plans, health insurance, vacation, and tuition reimbursement provided for employees either entirely or in part at the company's expense

Employee motivation cont'

- When motivating an audience, general motivational strategies or specific motivational appeals can be used.
- General motivational strategies include soft sell versus hard sell and personality type

- Soft sell strategies have logical appeals, emotional appeals, advice and praise (positive motivation)

- Hard sell strategies have barter, outnumbering, pressure and rank (negative motivation)

- Specific motivational appeals focus on provable facts, feelings, right and wrong, rewards and threats

Flexible Work

- Allow employees to adjust their working hours and places of work to accommodate their personal needs.

- Flextime allows employees to set their own work hours within constraints specified by the firm.

- A compressed workweek allows employees to work the regular number of weekly hours in fewer than the typical five days

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HR Management: Find a case and criticize the result of a case of employee
Reference No:- TGS01364787

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