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Q: Find a bug in this program and then fix it so that it won't have an infinite loop?
using namespace std;
void CalculateAvgScore(ifstream &fIn,ofstream &fOut);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ifstream fin;
ofstream fout;
char inFileName[20],outFileName[20];
cout << "Enter the name of an existing text file: ";
cout << "Enter a name for output text file: ";
fin.open(inFileName,fstream::in);//open the input file
fout.open(outFileName,fstream::out);//open the ouuput file
CalculateAvgScore(fin,fout);//add one more field avgscore to the output file
fin.close();//close the input file
fout.close();//close the output file
system ("PAUSE");
return 0;
void CalculateAvgScore(ifstream &fIn,ofstream &fOut)
while (!fIn.eof())
char firstName[30],lastName[30];
int Scores[10]={0};
int totalScore=0;
double avgScore=0;
fIn>>lastName;//read lasttname
fIn>>firstName;//read firstname
if (lastName[0]=='') continue;//skip empty lines
for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
fIn >> Scores[i];//read score one by one
totalScore += Scores[i];
avgScore = (double)totalScore / 10;//calculate avg score
fOut << lastName;//write lastname
fOut << " ";//write one space
fOut << firstName;//write firstname
fOut << " ";
for (int j=0;j<10;j++)
fOut << Scores[j];//write score one by one
fOut << " ";
fOut << avgScore;//write avg score
fOut << "n";//write one change line character