
Find 4-5 articles that are of interest to you on the topic

Part 1: Finding and citing primary resources

a) Find 4-5 articles that are of interest to you on the topic on some aspect of one of the following issues: prejudice and discrimination, forgiveness, media violence and children, or substance abuse treatment.

b) Print the first page of the articles/chapters. You will include these items with your paper.

c) Read the articles.

d) Complete an APA style reference page that includes the citations for the 4-5 articles you found.

Part 2: Proper in-text citations

a) Using the articles you have found, write a couple of paragraphs that would be part of an introduction section of a research paper. Around 2 pages double spaced. Cite at least three of the articles that you found within these paragraphs.

b) Be sure it is uses the writing style tips identified in the Landrum article on AM style.

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Dissertation: Find 4-5 articles that are of interest to you on the topic
Reference No:- TGS01299925

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