Use the prime_minister database (prime_minister.sql) from the Interact Resources site. Answer the following queries from that database.
You are required to submit:
- The appropriate SQL statements for each query, which should be copied from your SQL code in MySQL and pasted into your submission file;
- Your SQL script, which is either for each question--one-step solution, or for the two sub-questions of each question-- two-step solution; and
- Screenshots of the resultant tables which are to be pasted into your submission file immediately after the SQL code for that query. Typing or manually drawing the results is NOT acceptable.
1. Your SQL code should be correct for any data, not just any sample data that you create.
2. If your query results are contradict with the fact, please still present your answers based on the given prime_minister database.
3. The final query results by either one-step solution or two-step solution for each question should be the same.
Write SQL SELECT statements to retrieve the following information from the prime_minister database: Answer all questions
1. Find all Governors General of Australia who were Barons at the time of their appointment. List them by Title and name and date that they were appointed to the position. Order the list by ascending date of appointment.
You can choose to answer this question in two steps:
a. Restrict your query to Governors General who were Barons at the time of their appointment
b. Then format the date of appointment as day of the week, day of the month, month and year; eg. Monday, 01 January, 1901. Order the list by ascending date of appointment.
2. Find all the Leaders of the Opposition and their date of appointment who gained their position after 01/01/1980, their wife's name and their date of marriage. Order the list by ascending date of appointment. (3 marks).
You can choose to answer this question in two steps:
a. list those who were the Leaders of the Opposition and their date of appointment who gained their position after 01/01/1980.
b. For each Leader of the Opposition listed as above, add their wife's name and their date of marriage.
3. Who are the Leaders of the Opposition who were not members of a Labor party and who gained their position after 01/01/1980. List their name, date of election in the format month, day of week and year, eg: January 1st, 1980, spouse's name and their year of marriage. Order the list by ascending date of appointment.
You can choose to answer this question in two steps:
a. List whose who are the Leaders of the Opposition who were not members of a Labor party. Order the list by ascending date of appointment
b. Based on the result of Q.3a, list whose who gained their position after 01/01/1980. Order the list by ascending date of appointment
4. List the title, name, date of appointment for Governors General of Australia who were appointed between 01 January 1930 and 01 January 1960, together with the Prime Ministers who appointed them and all Leaders of the Opposition who served during their appointment. The date is to be formatted in dd/mm/yyyy format. Order by ascending date of appointment.
You can choose to answer this question in two steps:
a. List the title, name, date of appointment for Governors General of Australia who were appointed between 01 January 1930 and 01 January 1960. Order by ascending date of appointment.
b. Together with the result of Q.4a, list the Prime Ministers who appointed them and all Leaders of the Opposition who served during their appointment. Order by ascending date of appointment.
5. Who are the Opposition Leaders who subsequently became Prime Minister after 1930 ? List their name, the date they were elected Opposition Leader and the date they were elected Prime Minister and their Deputy Prime Minister's name and the party that they led. The dates must be formatted as day of the week, day of the month, month in digits and year in four digits; eg. Monday, 01/01/1901. Order the list by ascending date of appointment as Opposition Leader.
6.. Who are the Prime Ministers who led a non-ALP party before 1930? List the Prime Ministers name, the year they commenced as Prime Minister, their party, their Deputy Prime Minister, the number of times that they were elected as Prime Minister and the title and name of the Governor General at the time they commenced office.