Question 1:
The probability density function is given by fx(x) = ae-b|x|, where x is a random variable whose allowable values range from x = -∞ to x = +∞. Find;
(a) Relationship between a and b.
(b) Continuous Distribution Function (CDF)
(c) Probability that the outcome lies between 1 and 2.
Question 2:
(a) A white noise with autocorrelation function Rx(ζ) = δ(ζ) is applied to a linear system.
Calculate the white noise power spectral density.
(b) Calculate the power (RMS square value) and AC power of the random signal
x(t) = V cos(wt + Φ) where V is a constant and where the phase Φ is a random variable with a uniform probability distribution over the interval [0, 2π].